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Tifblue (RE)
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Important Information:
Harvest Months:
December, January
Good Keeper:
Climate Hardiness:
The Tifblue Blueberry is a Rabbiteye variety and is the most cold-hardy of the rabbiteye vareities. Reaching a height and width of 2-3 metres, it has the potential to produce a huge abundance of blueberries. White blossoms are formed in mid to late September with the promise of ripe berries at Christmas. The leaves are an attractive glossy green texture with a beautiful burgundy fall color. Tifblue blueberries are small to medium size and are tart unless fully ripened.
The Tifblue Blueberry bush makes a great variety for hedging because of its height, and being fairly evergreen. Use it for screening purposes, plant in clusters or as a single specimen in the backyard. It will be sure to bring enjoyment to all at harvest time!
Many blueberry varieties are self-fruiting; however, the Tifblue Blueberry requires cross-pollination to produce fruit. Below are some recommendations for the most effective cross-pollinators.