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Te Kooti
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Important Information:
Harvest Months:
Good Keeper:
Climate Hardiness:
the Te Kooti peach was previously known as “Jim Armstrong Black” after Jim Armstrong Black of Ohope, whose ancestor lived around Ohiwa Harbour and who provided the variety to Koanga Institute. Originally the trees were growing on Ohakana Island in the Ohiwa Harbour. The peaches had been widespread and significant in the area and on the other islands. We named them Te Kooti as Te Kooti spent the end of his life living on one of the islands.
Producing a small to medium sized peach, with honey coloured skin and red blush. The creamy white flesh is firm, juicy and delicious with red tinges around stone. A freestone variety that is known for it's heavy crops. It is quite similar to, and possibly a version of, the River peach. It is known to be a very healthy, strong growing variety.