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Red Sensation Tropical
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Important Information:
Harvest Months:
Sep, Oct, Nov
Good Keeper:
Climate Hardiness:
The Red Sensation tropical guava fruit is oval in shape and averages around 7cm long. With red skin, the flesh varies between white to yellow to red in colour. The flesh is jucy and pulpy, with soft edible seeds.
Growing to between 3 and 5 metres tall this is a small open branched tree. It is evergreen, with large leaves of a dull mid green colour that turn maroon in cooler climates.
The tropical guava is more cold tolerant than you might expect. While it does love a warmer climate, and enjoys hot summer temperatures, it can also tolerate a few degrees (-3°C) of frost and although may sustain some leaf damage can recover - young plants are very frost tender however. Consider it like a sensitive citrus. It can grow in both humid and dry climates.