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Powderblue (RE)
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Important Information:
Harvest Months:
Jan, Feb, Mar
Good Keeper:
Climate Hardiness:
(RE- Rabbit-eye)
Powderblue is a Rabbiteye variety that produces sweet berries are of a good size and high quality and produced in generous quantities between January and March. It is arguably the most productive rabbiteye on the market. Produces large clusters of light blue fruit. Fruit size depends on the yield but most berries are between 11-13 mm in diameter. Berries are resistant to cracking and store well. Plant in the sun, in rich acid soil. Best planted with 'Tifblue' or 'Centurion'.
Suitable for all areas of New Zealand, including warmer areas including Auckland/Northland
This variety was released in USA in 1978 by the North Carolina experiment Station and USDA. The parentage is Tifblue x Menditoo. Suitable for CA storage. Crops predominantly through February. As vigorous as Tifblue.
Cultural Notes: Crop second year after planting or crop two year old plants the season after planting to limit vigour. Recommending plant spacing 1.5- 2 metres. Avoid high rates of nitrogen. Very susceptible to blast infection, so keep mulch materials awayat the base of the bush and recommend use of copper preventative sprays in autumn.