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Kingston Black
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Important Information:
Harvest Months:
Apr, May
Good Keeper:
Climate Hardiness:
Kingston Black is a heritage Cider apple, originating in the United Kingdom around 1800. It is considered a must-have for the cider producer. It produces a slow-fermenting, full-bodied, quality 'hard' cider. Kingston Black fruit are small sized, dark and maroon in colour with a 'bittersharp' and tart flavour. It should not be considered a good apple for eating, cooking or juicing - and only useful for the production of hard cider. It is a heavy cropper but can be biannual bearing.
Although partially self-fertile, you will get better cropping if planted with another MID flowering variety, or Royal Gala or Golden Delicious.
It is somewhat prone to disease, so will need care, and likely some kind of spray regime.